With track repairs nearly complete, Langley Speedway released its 2017 preseason practice schedule today leading into opening night on April 1st.
Due to the weather forecast of rain on Sunday, the Saturday and Sunday practice will be merged into one practice on Saturday. Rest of the schedule for practice is unchanged.
Saturday March 25 Practice for ALL Divisions $15 Pit Fee
Gates open 10am. Parking inside pits
Practice starts at 11am and runs until 6pm
Monday March 27th -Thursday March 30th Private rental available $75 ½ Day $125 all day 9am-5pm
Call our office to check on avails 865-7223 speak with Terri
Thursday March 30 Open practice for all $15 Pit Fee 6pm-9pm
Friday March 9am-4pm LMSC Practice $125
Track Must be cleared by 5pm for track stripping for opening night!