Next Event2024 Awards Banquet/February 1, 2025/Larry King Law's Langley Speedway

Chaplain’s Corner

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Rev. Tom Potter – Langley Speedway Track Chaplain

This corner is designed to provide the race community with some inspirational thoughts and personal comments from your track Chaplain’s point of view.

My name is Rev. Potter and it is my privilege to be your Track Chaplain. I am here to support you, your team and your family in any way that I can be of encouragement and help to you. Lord willing, I will be here each week to give you a little paper called RPM (real power moment) and to say a prayer. I am on call during the week to assist you off the track as well as on the track. You reach me on my cell at 757-650-0838 or through Langley Speedway. Have a great season – you are in my prayers.
Real Power Moment

Power Bible Verse:

“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3)


This principle of leadership is practiced by many successful business and people. I am sure most race teams have a race plan and will do their best to work that plan. To tweak that plan we need to include God in the plan. God should be more than a prayer or a passing thought especially in time of trouble. We need to make a commitment to God. What if our commitment to God was as great as it is to the race? As you tweak your race plan for tonight make sure God is part of the plan… maybe we should make him the most important part of the plan.

Power in prayer: 

Lord, Thank you for the opportunity to race and May our race plan succeed. I make you the most important part of my plan. May this be a safe and successful night. Amen

Racer’s Prayer:

Lord, we ask your blessing on the race we are about to begin and on the drivers who will challenge each other on the speedway. Watch over them and let them be enriched by the challenge. Ride with them and guide their hands and hearts. Bring them each and everyone of them safely to the checkered flag as you guide us all in our journey towards life’s checkered flag.

Amen[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”619″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]