Next Event2024 Awards Banquet/February 1, 2025/Larry King Law's Langley Speedway


Current Month


27mar12:00 am11:59 pmOpen Practice


03apr7:00 pm10:00 pm2021 Opening Nightlate models | super streets | legends | bandoleros | enduros

10apr7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklymodifieds | grand stocks | super trucks | ucars | pro six | karts

24apr7:00 pm10:00 pmRAINED OUT | Weeklytwin late models | modifieds | super streets | ucars | karts | enduros


01may7:00 pm10:00 pmWeekly twin late models | grand stocks | super trucks | pro six | legends | bandoleros

08may7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin modifieds | twin grand stocks | ucars | karts | enduros

15may7:00 pm10:00 pmVirginia Army National Guard Armed Forces Nightlate models | modifieds | super streets | super trucks | enduros

22may7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin late models | grand stocks | ucars | pro six | legends | bandoleros | karts


05jun7:00 pm10:00 pmCARS Tour 125cars tour | grand stocks | super trucks | ucars

12jun7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklylate models | twin super streets | pro six | legends | bandoleros | enduros

19jun7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin late models | grand stocks | super trucks | ucars | karts | enduros

26jun7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin modifieds | grand stocks | super streets | legends | bandoleros | enduros


03jul7:00 pm10:00 pmVirginia Sprint Car Series | Mason Brown & The Shinersvirginia sprint car series | twin super streets | twin super trucks | karts | Mason Brown & The Shiners

10jul7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin modifieds | grand stocks | ucars | pro six | karts | enduros

17jul7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin modifieds | ucars | legends | bandoleros | karts | enduros

24jul7:00 pm10:00 pm13th Annual Hampton Heatlate models | super street | super trucks | legends

31jul7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin late models | twin grand stocks | super trucks | pro six | karts | enduros


07aug7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklysouthern ground pounders | twin modifieds | twin super streets | ucars | legends | bandolerosRAINED OUT

14aug6:30 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin late models | super streets | legends | karts | endurosRAINED OUT

21aug7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklymodifieds | grand stocks | super trucks | ucars

28aug7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin late models | twin super streets | pro six | legends | bandoleros | enduros


04sep7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin modifieds | super streets | super trucks | ucars | karts

18sep7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklytwin late models | twin grand stocks | super trucks | ucars | karts | enduros


02oct7:00 pm10:00 pmWeeklyVA Sprints | twin late models | grand stocks | pro six | legends | bandoleros | enduros

17oct2:00 pm6:00 pm2021 Championship Night 2late models | grand stocks | pro six | legends | bandoleros | endurosRescheduled from October 16 due to rain

30oct6:00 pm10:00 pm2021 Championship Night 1 | Shawn Balluzzo Memorial 100modifieds | super streets | super trucks | ucars | karts