Next EventSpring Day of Destruction/March 15, 2025/Larry King Law's Langley Speedway

King of the Hill Set to Return to Wacky Wednesday, May 31; Challenge Coins, Bonus Points, and Automatic Bids are Just Some of the New Incentives

Hampton, VA – King of the Hill competition is set to return to Larry King Law’s Langley Speedway during its midweek showdown – otherwise known as Wacky Wednesday – tomorrow evening with brand new incentives for this year’s competition.
The monthly “Best of the Best” style bracket will still continue to be an invite-only event for those competitors who either win an “A” or “B” main feature within the same month of competition. Drivers who win either an “A” or “B” main will be locked into that month’s King of the Hill bracket. Drivers will then earn points based on their results from the respective evening, determining their seeding within the bracket. Unlike normal weekly 1v1 competition, however, drivers will not get to pick their first-round opponent or which lane they will start in, this will all be determined by the final seeding. Additionally, the weekly inside/outside coin will not be in play here as drivers will follow a regular tournament bracket.
“King of the Hill, or KOH as we call it around the track, has really been something fun for these drivers to shoot for since replacing the burnout competition. It has opened up the event for more to be involved in and has created some incredibly tight racing,” Wacky Wednesday Director Justin Kern said. “This is something that we want to make better and better each year and adding the provision where the winner remains the #1 seed until dethroned, the addition of a new challenge coin, and locking drivers into the big King of the Hill event at the end of the year I think is really going to create some great racing.”
Eight positions will be up for grabs at the end of each month to eventually crown up to five different King of the Hill champions throughout 2023. Winners of the A-Main features will score five (5) points toward their bracket seeding while winners of each of the B-main features will score four (4) points towards their seeding. Competitors who made it to the finals but did not come away with the victory will each be awarded two (2) and one (1) point for their spot in the A and B-Main finals respectively. In addition, with the King of the Hill competition, stemming from a “Best of the Best” or “Who is the fastest this Month”, the fastest car in Time Attacks will receive three (3) points towards their King of the Hill chances. They, however, will not be locked into the King of the Hill race but will receive an at-large bid should there be less than eight competitors locked in. From then, Wacky Wednesday Officials will invite drivers based on their accumulated points from that month to ensure there are eight competitors. Racing will then take place as any other night with the final being a best of three.
King of the Hill competition is set to be the best since its inception a few short years ago. Not only will the winners receive a plaque, $100 extra, and an automatic bid to the Sweet 16 in the year-ending King of the Hill event; they will remain King of the Hill and the number one seed in the bracket throughout the summer until someone is able to dethrone them. The King of the Hill will not have a limit on how many times a driver can win and will come with an additional five (5) point bonus towards their 1v1 points championship. In addition, each winner will receive a custom, hand-made challenge coin and plaque to commemorate their victory.
All of this and Wacky Wednesday’s regularly scheduled program return to Larry King Law’s Langley Speedway Wednesday, May 31! Gates and registration open at 6 PM with racing set to get underway around 7:15. Don’t miss any of the action by going to to get your ticket now!

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Spring Day of Destruction

March 15, 2025